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Turpentine Oil

Ingredient name: Turpentine Oil
In stock
Cultivation methods: Conventional
Family: Pinaceae
Synonyms: Terebinth, therebentine, gum thus, gum turpentine, turpentine balsam, spirit of turpentine (oil).
Uses: Used in many ointments and lotions for aches and pains; and in cough and cold remedies. Neither oil nor oleoresin is used in perfumery work, although resin derivatives are used as fixative agents and in pine and industrial perfumes. Mainly known as a pain

Supplier Informations

Supplier name: Phoenix Aroma
Suppliers Memberships: IFEAT
Supplier Certifications: HACCP
Supplier headquarter: United States
Supplier Types: Distributor
Turnover : $14 Million
Number of employees : 69
Number of products: 402

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Cultivation methods: Conventional