Manufacturer and distributor of Natural Essential Oils, Organic Essential Oils and Natural Aroma Chemicals


Ingredient name: Coconut
Coconut, Oils
In stock
Cultivation methods: Organic
Family: Arecaceae
Ingredient certifications: HALLAL, KOSHER
Uses: Coconut oil, aside from being used in cooking as an ingredient and for frying, is used in soaps, cosmetics, hair oil, and massage oil.

Supplier Informations

Supplier name: Aromatic and Allied Chemicals
Suppliers Memberships: FAFAI, EOAI
Supplier Certifications: ISO 9001, HACCP, FairTSA, USDA, NPOP, NOP, GMP, HALLAL, KOSHER
Supplier headquarter: India
Supplier Types: Distributor
Turnover : $5 Million
Number of employees : 30
Number of products: 600

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Cultivation methods: Organic