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Juniperberry Oil

Ingredient name: Juniperberry Oil
In stock
Cultivation methods: Conventional
Family: Cupressaceae
Synonyms: Common juniper.
Principal constituents: Mainly monoterpenes: pinene, myrcene, sabinene with limonene, cymene, terpinene, thujene and camphene, among others.
Uses: Berries and extracts are used in diuretic and laxative preparations; also veterinary preventatives of ticks and fleas. Employed as a fragrance component in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfumes, especially spicy fragrances and aftershaves. Extensively

Supplier Informations

Supplier name: Phoenix Aroma
Suppliers Memberships: IFEAT
Supplier Certifications: HACCP
Supplier headquarter: United States
Supplier Types: Distributor
Turnover : $14 Million
Number of employees : 69
Number of products: 402

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Cultivation methods: Conventional