Producer and manufacturer of natural aromatic products from Bulgaria and it serves the needs of perfumery, cosmetics and food industry.


Ingredient name: DILL WEED
In stock
Cultivation methods: Conventional
Product Origins: Bulgaria
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Botanical name: Anethum graveolens L.
Synonyms: Peucedanum graveolens, Fructus anethi, European dill, American dill.
N° CAS: . 90028-03-8 ; 8006-75-5
N° EINECS: 289-790-8
Principal constituents: 1. Carvone (30–60 per cent), limonene, phellandrene, eugenol, pinene among others. 2. Carvone (much less), limonene, pinene, etc. as well as terpinene. There are several different chemotypes of dill, for example, phellandrene is present in the English and
Uses: Used in some pharmaceutical digestive preparations such as ‘dill water’. The weed oil is used as a fragrance component in detergents, cosmetics, perfumes and especially soaps. Both oils are used extensively in alcoholic, soft drinks and foodstuffs, especi

Supplier Informations

Supplier name: Vigalex
Supplier Certifications: ISO 9001
Supplier headquarter: Bulgaria
Supplier Types: Producer, Distillerie
Turnover : $436K
Number of employees : 5
Number of products: 17

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Cultivation methods: Conventional