Manufacturer and distributor of aromatic chemicals, essential oils, and extracts.


Ingredient name: CAJEPUT OIL VIETNAM
Essential Oils, Cajeput
In stock
Family: Myrtaceae
Synonyms: M. minor, cajuput, white tea tree, white wood, swamp tea tree, punk tree, paperbark tree.
Ingredient certifications: HALLAL, KOSHER
N° CAS: 85480-37-1 ; 8008-98-8
N° CAS US: 8008-98-8
N° EINECS: 287-316-4
N° FEMA: 2225
Appearance: Clear liquid
Principal constituents: Cineol (14–65 per cent depending on source), terpineol, terpinyl acetate, pinene, nerolidol and other traces.
Solubility: Insoluble in water
Color: From pale yellow to greenish
Odor: Fresh, mint, champhoraceous
Uses: Used in dentistry and pharmaceutical work as an antiseptic; in expectorant and tonic formulations, throat lozenges, gargles, etc. Used as a fragrance and freshening agent in soaps, cosmetics, detergents and perfumes. Occasionally employed as a flavour com

Supplier Informations

Supplier name: Indukern
Suppliers Memberships: RSPO
Supplier Certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 45001, FAMI-QS, HALLAL, KOSHER
Supplier headquarter: Spain
Supplier Types: Distributor
Turnover : $ 725 Million
Number of employees : 500
Number of products: 1300

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